Category Archives: Disinfectants

Acurosil Nano+ : Highly Effective Chemical Additives To Combat Serious Agricultural Issues

ASN_1Agriculture, for decades, have been a primary source for food.

But, what if farmers face some hurdles while cultivating crops on fields resulting into loss of crops which may ultimately lead to shortage of food?

Yes, there exist such hurdles in the form of pests, weeds and fungi which damage crops as well as shatters the hard work of farmers. This has emerged as a great matter of concern because of elevated need of food due to growing population. So, does this dilemma remain unsolved?

No. because Science has the solution!

Scientists have synthesized numerous chemicals which save crops from these complications. Altogether, they are known as Pesticides.

But, Is the use of pesticides safe for crops? Or They cause certain discrepancies?

Some pesticides are detrimental for crops as they contain chemicals which may prohibit the growth of crop, or may contaminate the harvest.

So, which pesticides to adopt?

41f815e5-40d0-4078-869a-4b3b15894c00Acuro Organics Ltd. brings to you an environment as well as crop friendly germicide Acurosil Nano+. Let us demonstrate to you a detailed description of our product Acurosil Nano+.


Acurosil Nano+, is formulated by combination of Hydrogen Peroxide and Silver to a complex nano form. It is prepared by a special process in which both Hydrogen Peroxide and nano Silver are mixed, bonded and complexed to give an oligo-dynamic, stable and long lasting effect.
The lone properties exhibited by its components are:
⦁ Strong germicidal effect of Hydrogen peroxide
⦁ Anti-senescence properties of silver


With proven efficacy in horticulture industry, it offers following features:a71fe5ff-d702-4196-b541-0ffccd61b7bb.jpg

⦁ Highly effective against wide spectrum of micro-organisms
⦁ No chemical by-products
⦁ Environmentally benign (benevolent)
⦁ Ensure farm fresh appearance
⦁ Maintains original aroma
⦁ Quality preserved even after prolonged storage during marketing



Pre Plantation: Soil Fumigation or Sterilization

f6e25fe4-e23c-4df4-8fd6-eca984a55201Acurosil Nano+ is recommended as a soil sterilant by Pioneers of greenhouse cultivation. It leads to visual plant health improvement in crops grown in sterilized beds by providing a good control over soil fungus and weak weeds. Methods to apply are:

1.Wet the beds with neutral pH water up-to 75% water holding capacity of soil.
2.In irrigation water mix 35ml Acurosil Nano+ in 1ltr of water.
3. Do not mix any chemical with this, as this solution is highly reactive.
4. Apply this solution @ 1 liter/m2.
5. Leave the field undisturbed for 12 hours.

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Fungal control in Drip Irrigation systems

88f01be8-7b19-450d-b0ac-0016e0c2db08Favorable environmental conditions in drip irrigation systems (local irrigation method) can cause rapid growth of several species of algae and bacteria resulting in slime and filament buildup, which often become large enough to cause biological clogging, which is quite difficult to control.
Small dosing of Acurosil Nano+ eliminates bio-film and controls bacterial growth in drip-irrigation pipeline.

Recommended Dosage: 1-2 ml per litre of water

Foliar Spraying3bf26a86-26e2-42fb-80df-c3efa7417f1c

Applying Acurosil Nano+ to the foliage is widely practiced in flower production. It helps as profile active control measure in disease-pest and pathogen infection.

Dosage: 2-3 ml per litre of water

Post-Harvest: Extending Product Shelf Life

8075915a-2378-407a-8230-cc2daea8c948An alarming percentage of fresh produce perishes long before it reaches the consumer. These losses area accounted either due to natural degradation by bacteria and mould, or when no good transportation linkages or storage is unavailable. These losses could be minimized by suitable post-harvest measures to increase the shelf life of traditional as well as cut flowers by inhibiting bacterial and mould growth. Straight forward washing of harvested or cut flowers after harvest may simply redistribute organisms from infected to healthy produce.
With strict environmental regulation and controls imposed by most importing countries on pesticide residue levels in force, it is imperative to adapt to eco-friendly treatments. Acurosil Nano+ is such a non-toxic alternative to fungicides/chemical which is being used as post harvesting treatment for domestic marketing and export trade, being eco-friendly.
At this point, you know all the advantages, features and usage of ACUROSIL NANO+. Have an encounter and avail the worth!

Visit our websites and and find variety of useful agricultural products and much more!

Powerchlor Chlorine Tablets – An Overview Of Their Role, Types And Applications


Can you afford to consume or use contaminated water? If your answer is ‘NO’, then go on to read this article! It is just for you.

Water is a “universal solvent” for its ability to dissolve many substances. It is one natural resource each of us use in abundance in our lives. The biggest challenge nowadays is the consumption or usage of clean water.

Well, we all are well versed with the ill-effects of unfit water or contaminated water. It leads to a number of water borne diseases such as cholera, malaria, typhoid etc. Water pollution is an after effect of contaminated water.

CHLORINE, as a halogen is a highly efficient disinfectant, and is added to public water supplies to kill disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoans, that commonly grow in water supply reservoirs, on the walls of water mains and in storage tanks. In easy terms, it acts as a savior against the contaminated water.


Types of Chlorine:

  • Sodium Hypochlorite

Sodium Hypochlorite is a liquid Chlorine and has around 10-12% available Chlorine. Available Chlorine (AC) is the amount of Chlorine released in the water to disinfect. Bleach, which contains Sodium Hypo, only has 5% AC which is why bleach is not a good pool disinfectant. Because of its liquid nature Sodium Hypo is usually applied to a pool through an automatic chemical feeder. Big water parks and large commercial pools are the common users of Sodium Hypochlorite.
Side note: Salt pools are still Chlorine pool because the salt cell breaks the salt down into Sodium Hypochlorite.

  • Bleaching Powder

Bleaching Powder is commonly seen as powder Chlorine. Bleaching Powder has an AC of 30-35%. Bleaching Powder is used not only to shock a pool but is used in erosion feeders as the a way to disinfect a pool.

The difference between Bleaching Powder and NaDCC is the chlorine content

Remember: the higher the AC level the more disinfectant is going into your pool. The cost may be lower but so is the amount of chemical you’re getting.

  • NaDCC and TCCA

Both are stabilized Chlorines making them perfect for outdoor pools and are usually seen as tablets and granular. Their AC level is usually around 60-90% and introduced to the water thru chemical feeders or skimmers. Because of their high AC level, they are used to treat pool problems due to algae or a Chlorine demand.


What is a chlorine tablet?

Chlorination to make water potable dates back to the turn of the 20th century. Soon afterward, chlorine also began being used for general disinfection and for making swimming pools safe. As home swimming pools became popular, the need developed for a quick, easy way for the average person to add chlorine to water quickly, easily, and without the hazard of coming in direct contact with dangerous chemicals. Chlorine tablets become a popular way of achieving that goal. Their use eventually extended to use in drinking water treatment plants.

Chlorine tablets are solid pellets of a chemical compound containing chlorine that are used to disinfect and purify drinking water and water used in swimming pools.

In swimming pools, chlorine tablets are used not only to kill bacteria in the water but also to prevent the growth of algae and to maintain the proper pH level. The pH level is a rating on a scale that indicates how acidic or caustic a substance is. A safe pH level for a swimming pool is between 7.2 and 7.6.

Manufacturers of most hot tubs, spas and whirlpools recommend using chlorine tablets or other chlorine-based products to sanitize the water. The frequency of such treatments may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The owner’s manual generally provides directions for proper chemical treatments.



How do different kinds of Chlorine Tablets Work 

  • Working of normal chlorine tablets (based on Bleaching Powder): As the chlorine tablets dissolve in water, a chemical reaction occurs. The water becomes a light acid; this light acid interacts with algae and bacteria and sanitizes the pool surface and water. The calcium residue that is left over freely floats throughout the pool.


  • Working of Acuro’s Chlorine Tablet (based on NaDCC): As the chlorine tablets dissolve in water, a chemical reaction occurs. The water becomes a light acid; this light acid interacts with algae and bacteria and sanitizes the pool surface and water. There is no calcium residue left as Acuro chlorine tablets are 100% soluble.


ADVANTAGES of ACURO’s NaDCC based POWERCHLOR Chlorine tablets:

  1. Stable for more than 2 years
  2. Accurate: always yielding the stated level of available chlorine.
  3. Convenient and easy to use. Just add to water and allow to dissolve. The speed of dissolution can be enhanced by the use of warm water and/or by stirring.
  4. Economical in use: the tablets provide an easy to use dilution system that eradicates the over-dosing that is common with liquid bleach and more importantly minimizes any under-dosing potential.
  5. Easy to store and distribute – no spillages, no leaks.
  6. Much safer to use than liquid bleach – reduced risk of accident and personal injury.
  7. Less corrosive than liquid bleach. Tests have shown that nearly all metals in common use are more readily corroded by liquid bleach than by POWERCHLOR Na tablets.
  8. Possess greater biocidal properties, strength for strength, than liquid bleach, especially in the presence of soiling.




  • Disinfecting water for drinking
  • bathing, cooking, etc.
  • Sanitation of water during natural calamity period
  • Water Sanitation for public utility






  • Disinfection and sanitation of feed water
  • Spraying over cages, sheds
  • Transport vehicles
  • Hatching trays
  • Equipments, floor, etc


  • Feed water sanitation
  • Rinsing the shed after cleaning
  • Cleaning the foot and mouth


  1. DAIRY:
  • Cow Sheds floor, walls and drains
  • Animal’s drinking water
  • Milk handling equipment, tanks and pipelines


  • Mopping
  • Rinsing bed linen
  • Rinsing surgical equipment
  • Human spills
  • Infants nappy, feeding bottle, etc


  1. HOTELS:
  • Floor and bed linen
  • Drinking water and water for utilities
  • Pre-Chlorination of R.O feed water (can allow passing through the membrane if the residual chlorine level is brought below 0.20 ppm)
  • Cleaning utensils, cutlery and crockery
  • Swimming pool


  • Cleaning Shrimps
  • Equipments
  • Nets
  • Feed trays




ACURO ORGANICS LIMITED | Ph:+91-120 – 4888444 (100 lines)










Peracetic Acid – Widely Used Polymerization Catalyst And Epoxidation Reagent

…… a wonder disinfectant for brewery and beverage manufacturing industry

Peracetic Acid (PAA) is a stabilized, equilibrium mixture of peracetic acid, water, acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. PAA is one of the most powerful microbiocides available and is active against a wide range of microorganisms including aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, bacterial spores, moulds, yeasts and other fungii, their spores and also algae.

Acuro Organics Limited is a leading manufacturer of food grade disinfectants and offers a high-quality Peracetic Acid based formulation for the brewery and beverage industry under its brandname ACUROX SP15

ACUROX SP15 benefits:

  • Fast Acting
  • Does not foam
  • Does not taint
  • Completely biodegradable – breaks down into benign components
  • No need for rinsing after use
  • Can be used at ambient temperatures – no heating required
  • No odour at end-use concentrations

Because of the above features, ACUROX SP15 is used in the brewing and beverage industry for fast sanitising of surfaces that are in direct contact with beverages such as fermentation, storage and bottling tanks and plant and equipment in filtering and filling cellars.

Recommended points of use and dosage for ACUROX SP15 are as below:

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ACUROX SP15 is available from manufacturer:


and a host of dealers and distributors across the world.

Send us your enquiries at OR call +91-120 – 4888444 (100 lines)